EUW - Woman2Woman

Tell something about yourself. How old are you, what's your height?Favorite flower,favorite colors?What do you like to watch,what do you like to listen to?Favorite food,favorite cocktail?Your interest, your hobbies?What do you choose- pride or love?

Im 28 years old. Im 5"4 in height. my fav colours are blue and pink. I love listening to gospel music alot. My fav food is yam dishes. Interest reading and learning new things. Ill choose love.

Latest answers from EUW - Woman2Woman

Why Do We Feel Jealousy ?

I guess its when you look down on yourself compared to others and feel as though youre not capable or worthy.

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

Good Q prob a lot of words to describe my life or myself lol

??What would you say to your young self and why?

Take each day one at a time. And be dont just do. Be kind to self

Language: English