
Eduardo Huerta Rangel

Ask @EduardoHuertaRangel

¿Qué tema de conversación consideras aburrido?

Creo que ninguno. En realidad, me parece que depende mucho de las personas con las que estés y cómo lo estén abordando.

¿Cuál es el mejor libro que has leído?

He leido varios, pero creo que todavia no he encontrado un libro que realmente me atrape y me mantenga pegado a seguir leyéndolo.

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Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

I went to Paco de Lucia concert at Auditorio Nacional.
And before, I went to Periphery and Animals As Leaders concert in Mexico City, too.

Do you think animals have souls?

I think they have colective soul. Why?...I don't know why, but if you see butterflies, they do a lot of traveling (sometimes Canda-Mexico) with out knowing very well the trayectory.

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

Maybe the most impressive one in that zoo. Or maybe the first one in the zoo

What is the world's best song to dance to?

That's a great question. It is also a difficult one.
It depends of what kind of dance you would like to choose.
For example I would choose Salsa, but it is not easy to dance that kind of rhytms.
It is also nice to dance funk.
But the short answer could be Juan Pachanga by Rubén Blades and Yo no sé mañana (the salsa versio) by Luis Enrique.

Language: English