

Ask @EiraaSalleh

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What made animal an animal; because they don't have mind. What make human an animal; because of their mind.

been waiting for someone to give ppl some words like this!! good job sis/bro

Guys, aku dah graduate U tapi english still tak boleh cakap.susah bila nak hadap interview.disebabkan English dah dekat setahun tak kerja.ada tips nak improve english cara pantas tak

read, listen to english songs, practice speaking in english like literally EVERYDAY

mcm mana nk jawab soalan yang dah jadi thread eh...means kita dah jawab soalan first then org tu tanya balik soalan lain dekat jwpn tu

haaa kan kalau tekan rt kan ada choice utk rt and reply with comment kan. tekan la reply with comment tu, rasanya mcm tu boleh kot

Listening to lies when you know the truth? How you feel about that? Can you control yourself?

takpe just to observe sampai bila they can lie to me

Guys usually say they like girls without makeup, is that true? But why still date girls with heavy makeup on?

kan men are trash

Pernah x, kau tgh happy mood okay. Tetiba, kawan kau sebut nama ex kau 😂 Tapi kau blm boleh move on dari ex tu . Mcmmne feeling korang 😂 Npe aku mcm nak menangisni hahaha

tak pernah ada ex sorry

How to be more friendly and nak start conversation nak cakap pasal ape???

bagi salam, tanya buatpe pastu tah?


Language: English