

Ask @ElAmorDeLaVida

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Do you believe that a heart has a limited number of times to experience and fall in love? if so how many times before it dies and disappears? and why do you believe that?

saudalfuhaid’s Profile PhotoSaud ALF
I'm only 14 and Still do not know much about This :s
Liked by: Saud ALF

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Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

ive learnt that the real fitra is about Being good people .. but some chose the wrong Way and do bad things thats why they become Bad people. basically we are all good

is there a difference between "what you want" and "what you need", you may say (i want to be somebody) or (i need to be somebody), if there is a difference what is it, and why is there a difference?

saudalfuhaid’s Profile PhotoSaud ALF
yes Saud there is a Difference .. it is hard to do it in english :s what you want is something you just chose .. its not very important and not Necessary. However what you Need is something really important and you Must have it cause its indispensable. why there is a Difference is because we are human Beings and God created Us like that .. we have desires and we also have needs

¿Has notado alguna vez como tu vida perdía el sentido sin tener explicación? Cuando eso sucede... ¿Que sentido tiene la vida?

sin Dios <3 perdemos cualquier propósito trascendente Para dar significado a nuestras vidas.. si no lo tiene .. pues sólo somos Bichos luchando por sobrevivir hasta que Muramos

Are you telling the truth when you lie in bed?

WhiteAndBlack’s Profile PhotoKal
I cant speak english very good but i can tell That there is something wrong about the verb lie
Liked by: Marce. Kal

Have you ever wondered about that colored thing that appears after looking at a source of light for a while? Do you know what it is?

i did not understand :s
Liked by: Marce.

ليش العيدية مقتصرة على الأطفال ؟

could You please translate ?? french or English is better cause i Cant understand this language
Liked by: Marce.


Language: English