
El Marquez

Ask @ElMarquez7

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Do you think its ok to look at other people if you’re with ur s.o? Say your on a date somewhere andof course there’s gonna be other “attractive” ppl around but do you check them out? Or are you so happy/in love&in the moment with your partner that you only notice or give your full attention to them?

Always my full attention is going to be to her..

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Cuales son las cosas q te hacen enojar ????

Los chismosos
Los injustos
Los que se ponen con Las mujeres.
Los que se meten con mi familia.
Los que tiran la piedra y esconden la mano..

Where is the soul located within the man?

That is a really good question..
Don't know But it should be centered on God his woman & family..


Language: English