

Ask @EleanorHubbard

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a disliking for a popular phenomenom and is resentful of those who embrace it. Often used by anti-trendies.

wait..this made zero sense? why did you just give me the definition of overrated?

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Who was your idol when you were growing up?

jamie lynn spears until she got pregnant and ruined zoey 101 forever

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

yeah, definitely unless they fucked up massively the first time

Why is everyone nasty to amber?

they're not? Well the bellends are but that's because well, they're bellends

I just am I've spoke to you before and felt like you didn't want to speak

have you? Speak to me again I probably did want to speak x

What are your TOP 5 movies?

Fight Club, Spirited Away, Submarine, The Virgin Suicides, A Girl Interrupted

who can you talk to when everything seems bad?

laura or erica or josh are who I usually go to I guess

So like NO cute couples at all?

No there are cute couples but I cannot think right now
Who's even in a fcking relationship? I can't think


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