
Elena Tocancipa R.

Qué preferirías, ¿no volver a tener acceso a Internet o no volver a coger un avión?

there's no fear in my mind, but in my eyes I still keep your face and heart, sorry darling but I'm the nightmare that you've choose before met the rest. I miss you and I almost cannot breath cause you are my air, you are all my feelings, you are that kind of something that makes me feel ok all the time, thanks for brought me the love that I've been looking for so many years, thanks because without you I'm nothing thank you for being all that I need...Confident.

Latest answers from Elena Tocancipa R.

¿Juzgas a las personas rápidamente?

We couldn't have that sparkle, we messed up everything, but instead of this weird relationship, you most be the one and only.

¿Quién ha sido la última persona que ha hecho algo bueno por ti?

No hay nada más bonito que corresponder ❣❣

Language: English