

Ask @Elienvoets

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If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

that's a difficult question, I like to eat :c uhhhm... Chocolate, cornflakes and french fries with ketchup lol! A very good combination, you should try it (-:

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schaamtelijkste dat je ooit meegemaakt hebt?

DYLAN het schaamstelijkste da ik meegemaakt heb is da ik weet da gij mij aan het stalkeeeen bent! xo

Kevin begrijpt de dingen niet helemaal.

oh ge hebt het niet allemaal op een rijte :/ Sniet erg hoor, always here for youuu x33

you're house is on fire, what's the first thing you grab?

My sisters ofcourse (haha not grabbing but saving)

How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

don't know, I'm dead by then hahah so the world will look sad!

What’s the first thing you did when you woke up today?

I combed my hair because I looked like a monster :c


Language: English