

Where did you learn to speak English?

Uhm... i started learning alone when i was like... 12-13? because i liked fanfics and i couldn't find any that i liked in spanish LOL so i became friends with my dictionary in those years
Liked by: Vicco ♡.
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Latest answers from ~Yuki~

if everyone start thinking like you we can change world in very short span of time

It would be a better world for sure... but we have to start by changing our own world first. We can help those who we see in our daily routine, and make them think like that too, talk to them and be better persons together in the end ~ and that way the world can change little by little.

wow the best answer i got ever

You can be happier if you think more like that (or at least that was my conclusion)

is there anyone whom u hate ?

Nope, I think that hating is just a waste of time and energy, that you could use in something or someone you love c:

it is more than 50c u may google :)

i read about it being near that in australia some time ago i think, was it in a city? (weather is not one of my main interests lol so i don't know much about it around the world except for when it's so cold or hot that it's on the news)

hahha that is why u like summer if it would be 50c u never gona b like that

i don't think it's 50c anywhere yet lol

Language: English