

Latest answers from elizardbreath04

do you buy expensive makeup?

I mostly buy drugstore makeups, but I'd buy a high end every now and then if I have the money lol

did you ever have any job besides with your family?

Yes, I did become an assistant of a freelance makeup artist.

you really don't resent your parents for spanking you? do you feel like it helped your behavior?

Nope, I don't resent them. I think somehow it helped me, it made me cautious of things, like thinking before I do something. But it's also something that is an advantage and a disadvantage. A disadvantage in a way that I would overthink and become fearful of what might happen and that moment of hesitation would likely make me miss an opportunity.

So you don't feel like you are really addicted to cigarettes? Like you have never gotten cravings?

Nope, I never had. But before maybe I did, like when I'm feeling stressed out or I had to talk about something really frustrating.

Sorry for the totally random questions! I just came across your page randomly and you are super interesting!! :-)

Hahaha it's totally fine! And thank you XD Wait, how do you search for people here? Lol

Oh what kind of store does your family run?

It's a small convenience store at the back of our house XD

So do you have an interesting job or something you like doing in the interim, when you aren't in school?

Yes, being a ghost writer and a clerk at my family store LOL

Language: English