

Ask @Elli0ttPerr0tt

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Thoughts on me?:)<3

Hot, funny,kind when you're in a good mood with me ;) xx, honest, and shit with secrets :)
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This made me cry :( -

You want to kill yourself?
Imagine your sibling coming up to you're room and finding you dead, all she wanted was help for homework and you're just lying there. She screams for help and your parents run up, just as you're mum asks 'what's wrong?' She stops and falls to the ground. 'My baby' she's screaming, she can't breathe. Your dad just stares. He can't process what he's seeing. His little girls wrists are slashed. 'Wake up wake up!' Your sibling is screaming, tears running down her face. But you won't wake up, you're gone. Your dad picks up his phone, he calls the ambulance but he cant say a word. Eventually he manages to say it 'my daughter has just committed suicide'. It feels as if everything has been took away from him, it's the most pain he's ever felt.
It's been 2 months since you died. Some days your mum just stares out of the window all day, thinking about you and crying. Your little sister hasn't been to school, she just lies in bed all day, wishing that her mum would smile again, wishing that you were back. Your dad can hardly handle work, he cries secretly in his office, the family photo put in his drawer because it hurts to much to look at. They all keep thinking the same thing: 'this is my fault'. The guilt paralyses them, they can't sleep or eat. Your house is so dirty because no one can bear to do anything. Your family are lost without you, they are an empty shell.
Now your mum thinks of suicide every day, all she wants is to join you. Your sister cuts herself in her bedroom every night, no one has noticed her blood stained clothes and the scars on her wrist. Your dad drinks too much, constantly trying to get away from the pain but he only ends up drowning his sorrows in alcohol, trying not to think of you.
So before you take that knife to your wrist or tie that rope around your neck or take those pills think. You are everything to someone. You are someone's life line. You are to special to leave this world.

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I would ask her out aww


Language: English