
Ellie Dougan

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Ho sluttt x

You're the slut :o hot woman, so funny, you're one of my girlfriends ;) could talk away to you, couldn't say a bad thing about you, nice ass gurlll ;) good friend, love you m9 x
Liked by: Aimee

Anyone that you have not been as close to this year from last year or anyone you have got closer to this year

There's nobody I'm less close with, a few I don't see as much but just as close.
Closer would be Befanny,Eliza, Ian, Emma Lewis, there's probably more like

well yeah there's loads but i want to see yours :) im sure they're the most beautiful ones :)

Maybe another time..

yeah yeah i did ahaha ;) but i still want to see your feet ;) google feet are not that good :S

I'm sure there is a page full of lovely feet somewhere on the internet!

hahah i know i know ;) haha :P and nah girls feet are the best :P and we boys love feet so get over it and show yours :)

Did you not even listen to my dolphin story. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN I FEEL EVERY DAY. I miss my feet so much and you remind me of them :'( If you love them so much google them?

i love being silly though :( :( you're hurting my feelings now :( and mmm i bet you had...and you just said that jack kisses your feet all the time mmm? ;) you love it really dont you?;) NOPE its not weird thank you :)

Wow rip hopes and dreams, I was joking dude. Pigeon feet are the best m8

omg you love getting your feet kissed? :D you had your feet kissed? :D heheh see? foot fetish is great right? :D just show them :D

Oh gosh you're so silly, I've never had my feet kissed. Foot fetish is weird as, sorry mate

just show him your feet like omw ellie you lav getting your feet kissed,he could kiss your feet for you;)hahaha

Aww Jack kisses my feet all the time omwww nom
Liked by: Aimee


Right okay, I kind of avoided this for a while because it's very personal to me. So erm yeah in 2002 when I was 3 my Mummy brought me to the seaside, it was quite a nice day and then it started to rain. Not normal rain though, it was raining goats. The only way for the rain to stop was for one of our family members to sacrifice ourselves to the sea, I did it and I am now a male dolphin with 6 nipples.
Liked by: Becky McKnight Aimee


Language: English