
Ellie Amber Gittings

Latest answers from Ellie Amber Gittings

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

Yeah ive got my ears lol
But I want my tragus, belly and idk anymore atm

you're beautiful. you honestly deserve best in life! i don't know you at all but you seem really nice & cute :') you have such a cute smile, you should always be happy because you are one in a million! i hope you smile at this ;) your parents should be proud of you! iloveyou <3<3

Aww thank you so much this means a lot probably the cutest thing I've read aw whoever this is thank you it's made my day :) x

Regardless of what guys think, what do you personally prefer as a woman?: being shaved, being trimmed, or staying all natural?

This is a very weird question to ask over a social network you seem very curious about my preferences which is quite weird

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