
- Ellie Payne

Ask @ElliePayne894

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ed sheeran give me love, because it has 2 songs in one BOOM

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Dont understand why you get a lot of hate because your going out with jack, you's two are perfect for each other and whoever tells you your not then they must be very jelaous cos there not in a relationship:) you and jack have been through so muchhhhh and hope both of you stay together forever much

Aw omg who is this thankyou:*
Liked by: Danielle Rose

Ignore all them twats saying stuff about you and Jack... You two are perfect :)

Aw thankyou;who is thiss'xo

Is there anyone you would like to be friends with but you don't talk to at the moment?

umm, not really i geuss ?

what is the current situation in north Korea and how potent/dire do you think it will become Without using the UN's rights and regulations....

umm, 17?

u have a massive forehead, pls dont head butt me;)

???????????????????????????????????????????????WHO IZ DISZ


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