

Ask @EllieSmith696

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This is a serious question..how far have u gone with a guy?x

Im not really posting this all over ask.. sorry xo

You are pretty, and I am pretty sure she isn't fat...Im what 12st...that is fat. If she is comfortable with her body then shut up. And I am sure she hasn't had a lot of sex. -anon who cuts aka M.

Yeah I'm a virgin.. Therefore I'm not really a slut am I? And your beautiful even if you are that weight!:*

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You don't deserve hate your pretty and your not fat you just deserve to be happy just ignore them :)

Aw thank you:)x

why aint you going to marlow? ur gonna be a loner with all the yr 7s right? go find someone else to blow cos no1 in ur year will touch u.

I'm not even going to school?

why aren't u going to Marlow xx

Because of the people I was suppose to be going with.. Urgh. -.- xx

You literally beg for hate

Don't say I'm horrible because I'm really not.. If you're nice to me I'm nice to you. K?

Hey cutting is addictive guys it gives a quick relief from pain...I cut...I have way too many scars from cutting. Ellie it's your facebook you can post whatever you want :) <3

Aw thankyou beautiful :) <3

1.Age 2.Fave Colour 3.Fave Song 4.Last Kiss 5.Been Fingered? 6.Virgin? 7.Shaved,natural or trimmed pubes? 8.Type of underwear now? 9.Colour of underwear? 10.Skype addy? 11.Famous person who'd get it? 12.Most embarrassing moment? 13.Best Friend? 14.1st Childs name? 15.Believe in love at first sight?



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