

Ask @EmanAlrowaish

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How important do you think it is to marry someone with the same religion?

not that important but you'll save yourself a lot of headache and arguments
Liked by: Canceled

I'm a total anonymous just visited your page. Police actually catch couples in cars. And they can be taken to the centre as well. It happened to me. . Do not speak about things you have no knowledge about ♡

that rareeely ever happens, like rarely unless you make it obvious somethings up or you were doing something that caught their attention.. so it's always better to be careful

hey eman. kinda need your help. i'll hang out with my boy friend for the first time in his car, but im worried police might see us and arrest us or something. so can u tell me if this might happen or not (dramatic)

that doesn't ever happen so don't worry about it, just don't show any public display of affection in public where the police or CID might see you

Heey the reese's chocolate is so delicious i mean the 3 pieces how u dont like it😨😍

i'm talking about the cereal ): i like the chocolates
Liked by: Omar The Hairy


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