
Emcee Amalgam

Ask @EmceeAmalgam

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What annoys you the most?

At the moment? A lack of planning.when you know what needs to be done in order to make things go smoothly and you just plain neglect them lls. Jack everything up. (I'm whining because I'm at the m16 range in the cold & rain, I'll get over it lls)

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Lls this question is funny...but how do you set it so that people can't hide their name when asking a question?

KatrinaJohnson305’s Profile PhotoTrina
Lol. I had the same question for a while when I first started this.
1. The little head in a box at the bottom if the screen.
2. The settings button in the top right corner. "Looks like a gear"
3. Privacy
4. ; )
Liked by: Trina

What do you look for in a woman that has feelings for you and possibly considering taking it to the next level??

KatrinaJohnson305’s Profile PhotoTrina
Ambition, a gentle spirit, strength, passion, understanding, open-mindedness, compassion, & a great sense of humor ; ) Great Question
Liked by: Trina

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Forget about it. That's when it makes its grand entrance!
Liked by: Trina

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

Smh I know a few. Can't stand it! Go somewhere with that shit! Get a life and stop chatting about other people's!

Which Ask.fm gift would you like to receive?

I didn't even know there were gifts on here...
Umm.. A million $$$..!!
Is that an option? Lls

What do you think is the hardest thing about being in a relationship?

The hardest part about being in a relationship...
For me at least, is forgetting about who's right or wrong, and putting aside disagreements for the sake of peace.
& Healthy communication, but hey I'm growing.
Liked by: Trina

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

Because I'm difficult and don't like to just take what I'm given, I'm going to say neither lol. Who wants to feel more important than thy actually are?? Live a lie? No thank you. Also don't want to feel unimportant or irrelevant.
But IF I HAD to choose, I would say small fish, big pond. Cuz when I made it to the top of that food chain it would be that much greater of a victory.


Language: English