
Emi Penney

I know that this is to none of my concern but don't you think it's a little weird to date/like Slava considering your friends with Morgan?

I mean, yeah... But her & I aren't close enough where I would feel like I'm crossing any borders.

Latest answers from Emi Penney

Best Memory: Probably every day walking home from the bus and you always make fun of me ;)

Adam Bell
Smh, I don't think it happened that way(; you're defiantly the one that picked on me -_-

Morgan doesn't mind. In fact she said she's happy for you and that you are really sweet. I know that's not a question, sorry.

Lol I knew she would understand . ❤️

Emi.. Why'd you let him do that to you? Don't you have more respect for yourself? I'm not saying this to be mean btw

Lol ... Just text meee.

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