
Emili Harris

Ask @EmiliHarris321

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Now freshman girls are stupid and start drama

Tbh I have never started a freaking rumor in my life and you might find that hard to believe but if u have met me you would know that it's true and I don't get involved in drama and you probably have already been a freshmen or is going to be one soon so if ur saying freshmen girls start a lot of drama just wait till your a freshmen bc you are already insulting yourself just by saying that

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What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

Lost 4 pounds bc my medicine...it's actually not good bc it's speeds of my matabilism even more so I could practically go anorexic bc it's does something to your brain and it doesn't let your brain tell you when your hungry so yea you practically starve yourself without even knowing
Liked by: Brooke tisdell


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