

What is your favorite children's story?

My mom used to read me Goodnight Moon all the time. And a book that made me laugh a lot was something like Goodbye Wendell. It's about a mouse and her cousin Wendell. His parents are going away so he stays at her house and all he does is annoy her. Then when he leaves, she misses him.

Latest answers from Emily

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Love is love. I'm bisexual myself. :)

I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

I didn't think I'd make it. Bam mother fuckers, I made it.

Do you give money to beggars in the street?

Always. They need it way more than I do. (I think a beggar is a homeless person, right?)

If you could take one thing to prison what would you bring in with you?

My best friend, although we'd end up there together if one of us got locked up.

Language: English