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Ask @EmilyWyatt98

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You better not have anything to do with what have just been sent to me! So fed up of this! Might as well just fall down a cliff or something! I can;t talk to anybody can I without screwing up or getting hate! :'(

Of course I don't! I would never hate on anyone, it is pointless. I wasn't getting hate anyway. So what they have said is incorrect. Don't do anything stupid, it isn't like you. Just ignore it all.

Would you ever cuddle with me? Would it depend on who I am! As I think your so lovely and gorgeous. <3

Well yeah it would depend who you are... Awah

Okay then, but please soon! Please explain to me as well and I will explain too! I will be waiting! So don't let me down and also I am honestly so so sorry! So much has gone on! Everything my old friend said was true! Will tell you everything when you message me.

Yes I will try to soon. Yes we both need to explain I guess. I have a lot going on too. I'm sure it was, and yes I will try to talk soon.

Well I read all of what you said to my old best friend! You want to talk on Skype and speak about it today or tomorrow?

Ohh right. Well, Alex is round tomorrow night and I'm busy for most of half term. I will try message you about it soon.

Yeah I am! You was the only one he could speak to, you always made him happy and he was so angry with himself. As he said that he screwed up, apparently he always does. I used to be his closest friend like in year 7, 8 and 9 and then I left to go Australia. We don;t talk much but wer estill friends.

Awah, he doesn't always screw up, he just worries so much it gets the better of him, that's all. Well hopefully we will both be able to apologise and if I can get on my account secretly we can stay friends. Oh right, well you've known him for quite a while then!:)

Yeah I think you deserve an explanation too, maybe you two could speak over skype or something. it's such a shame you won't be able to talk anymore. He always used to say how much of an amazing friend you were and then when this all happened he still said the same things. You seem lovely though<3

I know what he's like, there's hardly anything for him to explain! I was the rude one in all of this. Oh yeah, I might be able to manage a few chats on skype perhaps:) awah, he's so kind hearted, I don't blame him at all for what he's said to me whilst I was off. Awah thank you, you seem like a good friend of his<3

yeah I know I am trying to help him and persuade him to to change who he is because of whats happened lately. Yeah i will tell him to unblock you. But he is still in a bit of state now. But it will be nice if you two could try and speak at least one last time even if its your last. :-/

Yeah, awah well I wish him the best of luck, I really do! I have absolutely nothing against him, he is such a nice person and so much potential. I would hate to just end it the way it is now, at least if I can explain why I was off and why I can't talk to him, he does at least deserve an explanation..

He said to me the other day that he wishes he could speak to you just for the one last time to say sorry! Yeah he is good now! he was in a right state the other day, thoguht he was gonna do something stupid. Am i annoying you with these about him? I'll shut up shall i

Oh right, I might be able to send him a message on Friday explaining things but mums being overprotective and she's gonna be checking my messages and stuff:/ so I won't be able to talk to him much:/ ohh, well I'm glad he hasn't done anything stupid, it's not like him! Oh idm it's fine.

Oh right! He thought you were ignoring him. He had a really bad weekend! I can't believe it. he got a lot of shit and his nan was awfully ill. It's a shame you two aren't friends anymore. I'm sorry that you lost a friend. I am sure he didn;t mean to rant!

Oh, well I didn't mean to. I did hear he had a bad weekend. I hope he's better now though and hope he stays well, yeah sorry I lost a friend too.

Why you not friends with mike no more, herad something happened! can't believe it! you two wre such good ftrienfds.

I couldn't talk for ages bc of personal reasons and mum took my iPad and he went off on a rant and told me to never talk to him again and blocked me bc I hadn't messages him back... Now mums told me I can't talk to him-.-


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