
Emma Alford

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The only reason you wanted her to always forgive and forget is so that she would do that for all the times you mess up and make her upset/mad

That's not true at all

The fact you can't say anything bad about Emily shows you truly care. I hope, for your sake, she sees how amazing you are. But if not, move on, because you deserve to have someone who can see how beautiful you are emma. If she cant see that, she doesnt deserve you. Keep smiling beautiful.

Thank you so much x

Emma alford i love you so so so so so much. Tomorrow is going to be fun. Chin up beautiful get some sleep soon <3 <3 <3

I know who this is and I love you too lovely<3

You just shouldn't be friend with her tbh

True friends always stick by your side, even when they tell you to leave.
You should never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.
A true friend will never leave you no matter how hard a situation gets.
Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.
I made Emily a promise- a promise to be her best friend until we die. A promise to forgive and forget everything that ever got between us. I promised Emily that I would always care for her, always love her and never leave her side.
Now I made that promise and have always kept it, yeah times have got hard in our friendship but a promise is a promise. I will never give up on that girl, even if she does give up on me. If Emily wants to walk out of my life then there is nothing I can do, but one thing I am sure of is that I will always be here waiting for her to come back. Em has chosen to walk out of my life, but she will always be in my heart.
for all those twats thinking this is some lesbo message its not. Friendship means the world to me.
Jake, Gabrielle, Abi, Ash, Rach, Shan... all of their friendships mean the world to me, but so does Em's.
I'm not going to give up trying just because this friendship has hit a tough patch.

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Well you've bitched about her in the past to me infact which means your probably going to do it to your other friends too

That is bullshit, would you like to tell me the things I've apparently said because I'm not having shit stirred like this! Why would I bitch about my best friend, pathetic.


I have nothing bad to say about her!
Sure she is killing me inside, but deep down inside I know she must have some sort of reason to be doing what she's doing because she isn't a bitch, she isn't a nasty person and hopefully soon enough she will in fact explain the causes for all this..

You know she is being a bitch but you are better without her, she's nothing but a shit friend towards you

After everything. After everything she has said. After everything she has done and made me feel.
I still don't have a bad word to say about her

Who is your best friend

I have three
Gabrielle James
Jake Mcpherson
Emily Deakin- She's the one if thats what you are asking.

What you doing when you get back from holiday?

I don't know?
Was meant to be seeing my Best friend but looks like she isn't talking to me, so I don't know...


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