
☆ Suicide Silence ☆

And when I say I love you..I really do mean it...not in a friend way..I really really love you..it might be weird for some when we haven't even met..but I don't care..I mean it with all my metaphorical heart... saying this to someone feels weird xD but I am still serous

you have no idea how much im blushing right now ... When i say "i love you" Or "I raw chu" I mean it with all my heart

Latest answers from ☆ Suicide Silence ☆

qotd~ If u could go to wonderland for a month will you survive or not and why? -Sent to all i follow ♥

I've never seen Alice and Wonderland so

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O

ThAnK yOu

hey :3 Im back , x3 You thought I was dead well I wasnt Im less active but I still and answer your questions soon ~ I just had to finish things in life ~ now to bizz ~>Qotd : what happens if there was a person , thing or whatever that fears you and its right beside you what will you do? ~snt2alIflw

Fucking run.
I'd be away
I'd be the new sonic or Flash

Hello, just wanted to say, you are beautiful and amazing, i follow you, i hope you have a great day/night ❤ (check recent)

hellismywonderland’s Profile PhotoGeorge
ty ^^

Language: English