
☆ Suicide Silence ☆

Ask @EmmaFrostjackfrostsister

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Is there a need to let Bad people get second chances ? LAME QOTD- Josh Trickx (sent to all I follow)

No because they will just do something bad to you again so what's the poin?
Liked by: JOsh

yeah he did what I was going to do >:0

If it's still in his room when you hey back
how are you going to go on Skype O.o

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you do fansigns?

fuck that
do you know how much effort is involved in doing so?
a lot
and plus I'm not wasting my paper.

I'll wake up early tonight and see if bro isn't on the computer XD

Okii xDD
mam: "Who gets you nice food and walks to the shops for you?"
Me: "... yoooou ..."
Mam: "Who makes you home made food? "
Me: "You" (SADLY)
Mam: "So what would rather have for your tea tonight. my cooking or Éclairs? "
Me: "Èclairs"
Mam: "Charming"
Me: I know right" *Walks away*

Yesss -3- then every time I drink coffee I can look at the beautiful face I'm gonna make my parents to get me to meet... XD

Oh no XDD
when should I Skype chu?
Liked by: Saif Rehman


Language: English