
Emmanuel Yaw-Sarpong

Ask @Emmanuel_Yaw

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ahah tbh you're really nice, attractive, funny, sweet, kind, caring, cute, hilarious, we have a lot memories, and you're really trustworthy, really fun to be around, I hope you're having fun in Calgary and I hope you have a good New Year ☺️❤️ yeahhh :)) I love youu 💕 see you soon!! 💜

Thank youu😚❤️ love you too❤️😊

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back from the break! You mean a lot to me, and you're super awesome! ☺️❤️ I really hope you'll be back in time so we can hangout on my Birthday with Tanus and Claudia :) ☺️💖 but anyways I love you, and I hope you have a good break💕 and yeah you mean a lot to me! 💜 hang soon! 💕 I'll miss you 🙈❤️

I really hope we can hang on birthday I love you too :))) you mean a lot to me to I hope you have a good break as well :))) I love you lots I'm gonna miss you so much :((((
Liked by: Tiffany Ocean Cleo

Tbh: you're super sweet, cute, funny, hilarious, chill, really athletic, super attractive, fun to hang with, yesterday was so much fun! ☺️💜It sucks you're leaving ☹ but I hope you have fun in Calgary, and I hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Year! 🎉🎁 and I can't wait to hang when you get

awhh thankss Cleo that means a lot i'm really gonna miss youu :(((( I hope you have a safe and fun Christmas and New Year :)))
Liked by: Tiffany Ocean Cleo

tbh: mr.yaww😂😂 haha you're one of my best friends and I'm glad to have you as one of my closest friends. you're hilarious and really athletic and attractive and yeahh i wish we had at least a class together but its all good cause we still hang like everyday at lunch. anyway, we need to hang soon!

Haha thankss and Yeaa we need to hang with Cleo and Tanus!!
Liked by: claudss☁️

TBH, you're the sweetest guy ever! You're super attractive, you're so nice, funny, really athletic, smart, fun to be around, trustworthy, we have alot of inside jokes, you mean a lot to me, you're really caring, I can be my self around you. We really need to hangout soon! love youuu Stupidddd 🙈🙈❤️

Awhh thankss soo much I love you too dumb dumb😊😊❤️

TBH, sorry if I've been a bitch lately.... I actually love you doe and I hope u ain't mad at me:) you're super nice and funny and chill & super attractive and ily workout buddy 💗😇

Tiffany Ocean
Aww thankss :)) hmu
Liked by: Robert hordij

tbh , your in my French class which is funn , your really nice , funny , chill & attractive , text me :) ❤️

Darien Richer
Thanksss I forgot to tell you my ipad is broken so I cant text rn but i'm getting it back soon:) fb?
Liked by: claudss☁️

Tbh your my best friend and I love you💙 I swear your the only person I tell my secrets.. Your literally always there for me and I literally can't thank you Enough for being there for me these past weeks. You're funny, chill, nice & attractive and text me cause imy already lol💙😂

Tiffany Ocean
thankss cant text, ipad is getting fixed fb me :)


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