

Latest answers from ErinAndSam

if you were to give 10 promo videos who would they be too?

So many people that I'm going to do a mash up xD

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

I feel in love pretty much straight away. Haven't fallen out of love yet

Do you suffer from any mental health issues?

No, at least I'm not like doctor approved.
I think I suffer from light anxiety & depression though (no I'm not just a very sad person, this has been in my mind non stop for 2 years..), I'm just too scared to go to the doctors/family about it and rather fight it on my own.

Have you ever had a fall where both you & the horse fell?

Yes. It was off trixie, we were cantering down a slight slope and she tripped and fell, I snapped my arm in half and she was fine :)

Language: English