

Do you remember your first fall?

YES. It was off a pony called annie, she took off down this hill towards the gate home.. I turned her but I lost balanced (I was like 8) and was half hanging off to the right and she kept spinning left. until I finally let go and fell on rocks and got winded xD

Latest answers from ErinAndSam

if you were to give 10 promo videos who would they be too?

So many people that I'm going to do a mash up xD

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

I feel in love pretty much straight away. Haven't fallen out of love yet

Do you suffer from any mental health issues?

No, at least I'm not like doctor approved.
I think I suffer from light anxiety & depression though (no I'm not just a very sad person, this has been in my mind non stop for 2 years..), I'm just too scared to go to the doctors/family about it and rather fight it on my own.

Have you ever had a fall where both you & the horse fell?

Yes. It was off trixie, we were cantering down a slight slope and she tripped and fell, I snapped my arm in half and she was fine :)

Language: English