
Erin Grant

Ask @ErinoGrant

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How was the nose job? Did they fix it?

That's a bit rude!! It wasn't a nose job it was an operation to quatorize my nose which means to burn the inside of it to stop me having had reaction for a little while to dust so I can breathe properly

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What are the first things you notice when you meet someone?

There eyes and what there wearing and if there flyer is undone or not -.- hahaha

top 5 favourite boys at Kennedy in year 9??

Favourite boys?? Ummm
Sherlock, Hays, Beales, Whipp anddd someone else

1. Are you a virgin? 2. Are you in a relationship? 3. Are you in love? 4. Describe your crush 5. Do you believe in love at first sight? 6. Do you ever want to get married? 7. Do you get jealous easily? 8. Do you have a crush on anyone? 9. have you kissed in public ? 10. Do you have any tattoos?

1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. Both hard to describe they're amazing :) and so sweet, nice and hot.
5. Yes I do believe in love at first sight...but sometimes those people just weren't meant/destined to be together
6. Yes i do :D
7. Sometimes it depends hahahaha i guess i do actually
8. Yes...Two people
9. Yes i have but I'm not the biggest fan of kissing in public...hugging is okay though
10. No i don't :( I've had fake ones from Bali before though

Thoughts on? :) Mate you keep screenshotting my snapchats :0 Ahaha :PpP

AvaIzaabelL’s Profile PhotoAva Izaabel
No I don't!!!! Haha my iPod is broken it always does that haha and babe you are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! I love you! We need to catch up and you're so funny and great to hang out with xxx <3
Liked by: Ava Izaabel

hello :) doing anything this weekend missy ??? going out with ur friends sat/sunday???

Bri??? And nope :) im working 4:30-8:30 Saturday but I wanna do something that morning and I'm working 9-2 Sunday an I might be going shopping with Sarah on Sunday

y r u mean 2 people behind there back? No1 is perfect and we r all insecure enugh! We dont need u making fun of us wen we rnt looking. u really hurt my feelings when u made fun of my last week on thursday. plz stop its mean

Lol that's funny I was at school for the first two periods then I went home?! And I didn't say anything about anyone Thursday morning! I think you have your facts mixed up haha


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