
Esther Cynthia J.

Ask @EstherCyje

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Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

I literally shout a lot even when I was supposed to whisper it turn out that I am still shouting so I guess just able to shout .
Liked by: huiozar

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How to get a better result when you started studying in last minutes?

GURLLL or boy . So you expect to get a better result within the least of time of studying you put ? First of all , expect the least because you never what will happen or in this case what's the question may be but to have a better result I guess to look over the past questions you did and see what the common mistakes you keep doing so you keep in mind to stop doing it . After all , never do last minute studying again ! K ?

do some peolple have thigh gap naturally?

Yeah . I mean , I have them because I am so skinny hahaha

Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?

tiny elephant . duddddeee , that is so cuteee !

how do you stop comparing? seriously this kinda habit is genuinely bothering. it kills me through day and night. i always tell myself to stop comparing but i just cant. i am too flawed. this is why i need you to counsel me ?

Comparing ? Well to be honest I compared myself a lot to a lot of people in a lot of the situation . A lot of why(s) and when(s) which kills . I may not know who you are but from my perspective , comparing is actually a habit of thinking of wanting to be better than anyone . Everyone have their own flaws . You don't tell others your flaws so you feel better aren't you ? What you can do is perhaps to better than your own self yesterday . Stop thinking of what people may think . Give out your best . Don't put limit and expectation to your own self . As a believer and a Christian , I believe whenever those down days covered me and I fall from my plans , He is preparing for more and better plan for me . Impress Him instead of people . Honest view , you compare yourself for your own satisfaction . You want to be seen by others but stop there , stop comparing , because you won't satisfy anyone and you won't feel any better . Be you . Strive hard for what you want and when it happen that you fail , strive even harder :) Hope this help .

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What makes you wake up each morning?

School hahah but if its holiday I am not concern of waking up with what time but I am super concern of people who makes me wake up , mommmmaa

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?

Shark diving ?! Do they have that ? What ?! NO SURE NO . Bungee jumping sounds fun . Should I go for sky diving ? Hmm that too .

Free ?

I really need to talk to people . I don't socialize that much since holiday started . I mean my friend is currently the wifi with the access of watching lots of movie . Yess I have to socialize . What even am I doing ??
Liked by: Princess

zozo tu betinaa kieee. Now you knowww. Tinguk korea ka tuh cynn ? saya main talking tom hahhahaha ? muahhh happy holidayyyy.

Betina tapi husband bilang . Hahahahahah . Now i know hmm . Saya sedang fulfill resolution tengok drama korea ni . Happy tau hidup begini hahaha . Main talking tom ? Main barbie baa ish di barbie.com hahahahah muah happy holiday too !!

Do you embrace or fear change?

I fear them even more than I embrace it . I hate how I have to fit in the situation . They say time could heals but it doesn't fit my situation and it doesn't change much .

hai cynnn ? lots of love from me. si zozo n saya bahagia di jupiter sekarang ?

Hye zozo and his (?) / her (?) geng (so after being your friend for so long saya masih tidak tau gender si zozo) hahahahahah . Lots of love . Jangan kacau saya tengok korea baa ish ! :p

Where do the happiest people live?

Happiest people live among us . No happiest people is you instead ! Be one . They live inside our thought and hearts :)

Omg I love you ? you've been such s big help

I will be always free handed to help and omg i love you even more??????
Liked by: s.

I love you all you all mean so much to me and you all have a place in my heart you are my family??

:') Love shay even moreeeee ???
Liked by: s.


Language: English