

Ask @EternalSenia

明明是用很稀有的紫寶石,為什麼一下子就爛了。對不起 忍不住想吐嘈一下..


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in the 3º ending Senia talk about '' I will say everything I feel next time'' i try hard to discover the ''4º ending but have the 4º ending ? i believe in the good end >.<

Please look forward to the sequel

I would like to thank you very much for this awesome game, can't wait for Eternal Senia 2! Greetings from Brazil!

Thank you! :D

惡魔領域內的洞小精靈進了一次便不可以再進去QAQ 這是bug還是故意的? 收集不了全部的寶箱(T_T)


把區域boss打敗後 如果自己也死了 就拿不到神器石了 全身剩一個裝備不是神器 不太爽




Is there gonna be a sequel on pc? (Sorry if the question was answered i only read English)

sequel will on android

Can I get a mp3 for the other side of sorrow song played on the piano?

it's ogg in game folder:music

賽妮亞的新手装备到底是从哪里入手的呢? 攻击力比恶魔城的神器还要高, 不会是姐姐家的传家宝吧(套装?!) 虽然刚进塔就碎掉了Σ(゚д゚|||)

HxlLin’s Profile PhotoHxl Lin

I love Ragnarok online so much, and u did a small RPG with the characters. Srsly I love this game there needs to be more of those 2~ Hope its okay that I write in english~ :3

it's ok!
I'm making 2.

什麼是RPG MAKER VX ACE??怎用此東西打開原始檔?

RPG製作大師VX ACE,安裝此軟體後選打開專案即可


可以啊~ 去聖堂裡賽妮亞的房間裡翻櫃子就行了


Language: English