

What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?

We'll I was living a night are inside a nightmare..if that makes since? I was at a haunted hous and all if my friends were with me and they all died 1 by 1 the ones I cared bout the me most died last. I was the only one left so I ran out the door of the building and found it to be a cliff hanger. I then woke up and found myself inside tge same house tied to a metal chair with a drill pointed to my head. I asked why do I deserve this? They (black headed no faced creatures) said all your sins are being put to use. and I was like what the hell does that mean? (Half way shitting myself) no answer.. The ppl turned and walked away and slowly dissapierd into the darkness and all of the sudden the drill turns on.. The lights turn on and my best buddy was sitting next to me. He said he was having the same nightmare and mabe it was a sign for the future? We were confused. We just said to try to get out. My buddies chair didn't have a drill,like they just wanted him to watch me brutally die next to him. He tryed to escape but it was no use. I was already dead. And in reality so was he. A huge stitched up dude with a huge scary battle axe swing and chopped of his bands holding one of his arms down. He then freed his other hand. The big guy chopped of his hand, and he got free. He made it to the woods to find out that it was all part if the masterminds plan. He was then later that night torn to shreds by hungry wolfs and everybody in that house on that hill died..

Latest answers from Evan_The_Great

If you had the power to create one law, what would it be?

To ban any illegal foreigners and have a test telling us what there intentions of being an American citizen.

Language: English