
Evie Hagger

Ask @EvieLouise

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What is the most important thing to know?

I would say your own feelings, but I have no idea how I feel half the time

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What was the last life-changing decision you had to make?

To forgive someone for past events so I wouldn't stay bitter

Why go back to Tom I swear you where talking to to someone before he ended it with adi

Well you obviously know me to know this, so should be saying it directly to me not over ask fm anonymously

Is there anyone on your eye

No thank god, I think it would be rather painful if someone was on my eye

What was the last movie that made you think?

The Vow, how life's to short to worry about pointless crap

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

A lion to be my bodyguard and taxi everywhere :o

If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

I would hate life, but I'd teach a slack subject like photography


Language: English