Phyllis Callidora


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thanks phyllis! feel a lil more assured, especially with the final sentence of your response to my question :") have a restful and blessed weekend!

:-))) God bless

hey phyllis! I'll be entering NUS fass this coming sem and am actually really worried about not being able to make friends, since I haven't been to any camps. do you have any advice for me? or maybe, how are you doing/did you cope in this aspect? thank you so much! :)

hello:> i didn't go for any camps too hahahaha. i was q a hermit though.. HAHA i had a few friends in nus + my cell group friends who i'll meet up with sometimes but other than that i'm usually alone. and it was a little intimidating for me initially bc no one sat next to me during lectures HAHAHHA
but like after a while i figured no one cared if i'm alone~ so i just enjoyed having that personal space. i didn't rly actively make new friends bc i thought there was no point since there were only 5 tutorials a sem and it would be hard to form close friendships. but as the sems passed i saw the same few familiar faces as we just naturally talked to each other :))
don't worry too much!! it's a small world, you'll meet people you already know. and if not, God will give you friends you need! :))

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May i ask how did you make friends in uni? Or did you just hang out with ppl you alr now before uni? Did you anyone in fass with you before uni started?

i mostly made new friends in church!! and some new friends through tutorials / mutual friends

Heyloo, stumbled upon you on askfm and tbh you look pretty☺️. This is random, Im in Jc and am planning to wear my drifit tee tucked into my fbts(super high waisted) to school but not sure it will look nice on me. Mind pap of you in it? You really inspired me by your looks and fashion ✨?.

hahahaha thanks! you can just try it for yourself:-) self confidence is key! go be beautiful ?
Liked by: Ernest Chua

Did you have a hard time making friends/adapting into uni?

nope didn't have difficulties adapting to uni! it's a lot more flexible compared to jc which kinda helped me ease into it. as for making friends, i guess it's quite hard to make very close friends coz i don't stay in hall and i don't have a cca but i'm not rly bothered by it coz i made new friends in my cell group! and i didn't actively try to make friends also so hahaha

hello phyllis!! do you have friends in smu and what do they think abt it :)

sorry i just saw this!! haha i'm not too sure leyh sorry dear

Hello may I know how long did you have to wait for smu to reply you after the interview? And around when did ntu reply you? :) Thank you!

think around may for both i can't rmb it's v long ago hahaha

Do you know where to get leather tote bags for a reasonable amount?

i think bugis street sells :))) but i think mostly pu leather:)

what electives did you take? :)

i took philo & world religions last sem :)) this sem i only have one which is allocated. it's some quantitative reasoning mod


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