

Ask @Fahms

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what makeup do you use?

i'm still a beginner with makeup so i'm trying stuff out, i got this loreal liquid eyeliner as a secret santa gift and ive been using it daily (usually the only thing i wear lol) but lately i've been using this elf mineral mascara which is awesome and an elf mineral lipstick (also awesome lol) i don't use foundation since i have sensitive skin and i'm afraid of breaking out from foundation but i also rarely get acne
sry for the digression LOL

What was your shsat score?

shsat? i forgot but it wasnt high at all it was like right at the cutoff, like a 560 or something

how do you keep a relationship for that long? mine always end around 2-3 months

idk man lol i don't see him very often since we go to different schools, so i kinda cherish the time we do get to spend together. a lot of people focus on the negative, so my advice is to actually communicate and to not be passive and cherish all the good times :')

props, you got mad skills, but that guy is my son. give him a chance b. you violating that niggas ass like a savage

yo i'm just playing but I actually do have a bf


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