
Payton Gaudin

Ask @FaintlyForgotten

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what does it take to get to know a girl as gorgeous as yourself?

I don't let people get to know me. I'm happy with the small group of people I have let into my life already but thank you for the complement ?

Because I play a game with my friends where we get points for running over stuff.

That's horrible.

Run over something like an animal or just random stuff?

I've hit a few birds and ran over a rabbit by accident but that's it. Why are you asking?

Are you a good driver?

i can parallel park a truck with a 6 slot horse trailer hooked to it. Hope that answers your question ?

What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

I have a huge scar on the top of my right foot right by my toes. When I was around 3-4, I grabbed ahold of my moms curling iron while it was hot and dropped it on my foot ??

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Ability to talk to animals hands down


Language: English