

Ask @Faisalalkh

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Yanoooooooosss!!!! Lol the tiny little teeth ally only 2 in the front!! <3<3 ya5y 7o6 his pic!! Nshoof shy 7lw badal ma nshoofak :p jk la tbky :._. :p

Lool mn t7t bs two mn fog kter :p o 76et his pic zman o now 76etha bs 7shelha b3den so.. knock ur self out :p

Awwwwwwww :3!!! I adoooore babies bs I hate kids :p 7ala nafseya I know =)) ya alla nfsy akolhom albabies theyr sooo cuuuute <3 especially when they can't harm-bite-annoy you :p

harm-bite you? faris alyom 5lany ag63 9laty g63le rjle :p walla hes a warrior y5osh be famo o yado y3o9' o y5rmsh :p

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How old is faris ?:p hahaha inta shlk the perfect big brother baaaaa =)) esh kman btswy fe alwalad? =))

im the perfect anything :p brother friend son father kolshyy :p u can ask around ;) haha jk hes azon sna o 3 months :p
Liked by: Closed

Hahah inta marra td7k ma tkmil al5er lazm tdeef ma3 al7ob a7m8 or ablh :p u remind me of an awesome person who does that ;p

ofcourse i do cuz im awesome too :p
Liked by: Closed

Omg!!! 7bb is he ok?:( shklo eftakar albaaaaaa 78aaak! Ana ashra8 menoo =)) 7ram 3alek :p bs madam teir sane I'd love to meet normal people and I like faris already haha :p yalla fi9fi9 ima hit the hay bkra 797a bdry :p

lool yea hes ok msken ablh :p
Liked by: Closed

I know :p whats ur family like??are they sane people?:p

la 7mdellah klna kwysen :p bs fe the baby faris lol kl yom yswelo mo9eba. dobo kan byakol b3den shrg fel bdaya shwaya ka7, fj2a wjho sar kda :O o ma bytnf msko aboya f39 b6no skeen he puked his guts out o shwaya ja fe rjle allah ygrfo :p

Duude hahaha alyom a5ooya d5al fe 3eno fi9fi9 :p moo bs sh5et d7ik =))

loool fi9fi9 fe 3eno ? laa hada a7ma8 mnjeed

Sara. Sara is mt best friend, soulmate, she's the salt to my pepper the lightness of a feather she's the to in the together the for in forever she's the shampoo to my conditioner shibshib to my feet <3 the smell to my fart the blood flow in my heart the ..you get it :p

yea tra ma greto klo btw u couldve just said bestfriend o ana 7fhm :p


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