

Ask @FakeLiams

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DO NOT USE THE GLORIOUS NAME THAT IS TYLER TO OFFEND OTHERS!!! Ofc I'm talking about ur name. I, Liam, don't want to see the name Tyler used for the power of evil

I was going to make a really clever Hitler joke until I realised there's no y in Hitler. So for now you're just gonna be Tiler
All the letters in Tiler can be found in Hitler.
Tiler = Hitler

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Рatron, protector, promoter, a bit of conqueror in there as well.

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
That's not what you call a heap of duct tape and rope ._.

TBH: You're a hilarious broski who I wanna chat with more... also, sorry for the Irish joke earlier

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
Thanks :D
Also lmao idgaf I don't care about Irish jokes
Liked by: evan Shurdi

If you had a boat, what would you name it?

This is a ridiculously convenient random question but I rent a 420 (boat) from the club and I still need to paint it's name on it
I have no ideas though because I'm not creative :/

THE JIGS UP, what's ur real name? Why you gotta use my name bro??

Fuck I'd have gotten away with this if it weren't for you meddling kids
My name is Tyler
Liked by: ellie

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

You could like kill a bunch of Germans while listening to some old music
Sounds like a good time to me
Liked by: evan

Also swords do damage by cutting first, not by transfering momentum ya bloody foohk

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
Would the momentum of those sword travelling not do the cutting? :O
I don't really understand what you're trying to say

Hmm? Ellaborate. Also, the problem is that Hollywood and movies in general haven't put tons and tons and tons of misinformation about airplanes.

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
Nah I really like reading first hand pilot stories and just reading about planes in general.
I've read this book Atleast 200+ times
ALSO that old Dogfight documentary is fucking awesome
Liked by: evan

Actually for a two-handed sword, the claymore didn't weight *that* much, and had a center of mass much closer to the handle, as you would want them nimble. A Kriegsmesser would feel MUCH heavier in the hand.

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
Damn dude that bitch is scary :O
I feel like you're like me when it comes to airplanes, they're like my passion
Liked by: evan

Here's a cool way of thinking how they were used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWvsHorqldM Uhm... just... just a quick PS: The scimitar you showed is very impractical and historically unaccurate.

shurdi3’s Profile PhotoShurdi
Well it still looks fucking cool :O
I like looking at swords but I don't know their names or anything but imagine wielding a claymore
Heavy as fuck but you could just split motherfuckers in half

Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords.

Well at least it wasn't a shitty arrow to the knee joke

Google "(Your name) the hedgehog" and post results

Mfw Liam the Hedgehog is a badass with a gun AND A KATANA \o/


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