
Farzaan Jamil

Ask @FarzaanJamil

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Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

No because I think love is somethingthat happens gradually and not all at once

Hey, tbh Ive never really liked you since you have a really shallow personality that you have shown many times. Youre not good looking either, youre actually one of the ugliest people I have ever seen

hahaha thanks for being honest. It's true, im shallow with fake people and people whom I don't really like and I guess you fit both categories. And you think I'm shallow and you're so perfect? bro before judging me look at yourself. You're judging me on my looks, that's totally not shallow, right? And umm fyi I'm not bragging but a lot of people have told me they think im good looking.
(p.s. : untick? your asking anonymously just proves that you're fake to me in person but display your true feelings behind the cover of social media :P)

It's World UFO Day! What's the first thing you'd ask an alien?

"After seeing some people in our society, I can understand why you did not make contact with us earlier"

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Which a levels school and Rohaan going to?

I'm not sure what you're asking but I'm gonna stay in KGS for A levels and I have no idea about Rohaan's A levels

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

I was once charged over $300,000 for respawning in Borderlands :'(


Language: English