
Antonia ∞

Ask @FernandaZamarripa775

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What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

aside from facing more discrimination and less access to legal recognition and marriage in most of the country, lesbian and gay couples generally have the same relationship goals and face the same relationship challenges as people who are straight do. They also have the same rates of relationship success and failure. The benefits of lasting intimate relationships apply equally whether the couple is straight or same-sex, and the same good communication skills help make a relationship work.

Bitches on facebook be like ......

FernandaZamarripa775’s Profile PhotoAntonia ∞
OMG were in Atlanta & it's snowing . Gees it was about time :D gonna put my uggs now :* <--------- Bitch its winter how the fuck is it not gonna be snowing -.- &&' ......¿
Liked by: Katie

Do you talk to black girls?

umm were all the same :) okay? OKAY :p
To be honest when I was in middle school & high school ..... I would always hang out with them . They were really nice & they would always defend me ;))) lol I'm half Mexican & American , i thought i would hang out with them but shit they were so popular & shit so i was like "man fuck this -.-" &&' all the sudden those "black girls" became my friends & i really appreciate that they weren't racist ........ :p yes i talk to them ;p


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