
Firda Khoirunnisa

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firda kh kh kh

AldaAmarangganaN’s Profile PhotoAlda
When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. You can write good and copyright but copyright doesn't mean copy good - it might not be right good copy, right?
Now, writers of religious services write rite, and thus have the right to copyright the rite they write.
Conservatives write right copy, and have the right to copyright the right copy they write. A right wing cleric might write right rite, and have the right to copyright the right rite he has the right to write. His editor has the job of making the right rite copy right before the copyright would be right. Then it might be copy good copyright.
Should Thom Wright decide to write, then Wright might write right rite, which Wright has a right to copyright. Copying that rite would copy Wright's right rite, and thus violate copyright, so Wright would have the legal right to right the wrong. Right?
Legals write writs which is a right or not write writs right but all writs, copied or not, are writs that are copyright. Judges make writers write writs right.
Advertisers write copy which is copyright the copy writer's company, not the right of the writer to copyright. But the copy written is copyrighted as written, right?
Wrongfully copying a right writ, a right rite or copy is not right.

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our different🙆

littlebsbbls’s Profile PhotoChan
dirimu uendel aku alim😳😳
dirimu senior paskib aku uda resign ipm masuk padus lagi bentar terus lanjut bio😂
dirimu tuinggi aku masih pertumbuhan😘
dirimu baperan aku gatau kok qaq baper itu apa😳
dirimu makin hari makin cuecan baday sahrini hits smamda +++++ aku entahlah (jawab sendiri)
dirimu +++++ aku ~€{+!£{,^=…=>

our different😊😊😊😊

AldaAmarangganaN’s Profile PhotoAlda
dirimu canciii aku biasa ajaa😘
dirimu jual barang2 hits aku gapernah dikasih😘😪
dirimu berbehel aku ke dokter gigi aja gaberani😂
dirimu nuuuarsis puol aku mah alim😳😳😳
dirimu doyan selfie aku mending dengerin musik😜😗😜😚
dirimu+++ aku +[€[£]~=^==<>
Liked by: Alda Nuvira Maulidia


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