
Matthew Fisher

Ask @Fish5443

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When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

I saw a bear in the ocean looking for that perfect ice cream scoop.

Have you Fallon completely in love with your girlfriend?

I believe I reached the limit then I find out there is. Higher limit.
Liked by: Skap

What do you think about your girlfriend?

I think she is amazing! We never argue she is beautiful and she is easy to talk to. Did I mention she bakes me cookies?
Liked by: Skap

Dear Stranger, The world can be disappointing, but don’t let that get to you. Continue being that awesome person that you are.

Thank you stranger! you are awesome

What made you happy today?

Being with my cross country team for the last time this year by going too Dave and busters. I think we got around 36000 tickets all together and bought a bunch of candy then went to cracker barrel to feast.


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