
Fizza Kazmi

Ask @FizZaKazMi750

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would you ever kiss on a first date ???

Neah :3
A woman who'll kiss on the very first date Is usually a hussy and a woman who'll kiss on the second time out Is anything but fussy but a woman who'll wait till the third time around head in the clouds, feet on the ground She's the girl he's glad he's found She's his Shipoopi Shipoopi! Shipoopi, Shipoopi The girl who's hard to get! Shipoopi. Shipoopi, Shipoopi But you can win her yet. :'D haha,check out where that song from. xD
Okay so now.
Kissing on first date? :3
No you should not kiss on your very first date. I do not care if you are really attracted to the person. Control yourself and practice your perfect pout in anticipation of date number three. :)
Desire is important and the chase is critical for men. So ladies, be a little less available and build that desire.
You want someone to feel something for you in their chest.right? Not just their pants.
I really don’t understand what the point of kissing on the first date is. You are just getting to know the person and probably don’t know if you really like them. Chemistry is more than just between the lips. There will be plenty of opportunities to kiss and so much more on dates two, three, four.
P.s: If you wanna drive him crazy give him a soft kiss on the cheek(on second time out).

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dp = yukkk

Yuk? :3
So, you think you look amazing by doing this? :/
You're insane motherfucker. -.-
Hiding identities and asking questions makes you a simple wannabe, lel. :D
Go and ask your mom how do you even look like. :D
I don't live to please you. B-)
I'm the best in my own way and you're the looser of my life. :D
Fuck yourself and your insanely YUKK mind. :'D
Ask sensible questions or die. -.-

Language: English