
Natalie McDonald ✌

Ask @FlyingZorse

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Natalie! your really cool and easy to talk to, i really admire that you did shave for a cure. we can always have a laugh and should talk more

Ye! Thank you cutie x

nat dawg, you're real cool and goods at the drama. known you since becks and you hang at "duncan" or the tree.

#beckswag4lyf shot Simon :)

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why u want an aeroplane

Alright this is gonna be cheesy shit but you asked for it...
A paper aeroplane
1) represents childhood/the mems
2) taking something as insignificant and common as a piece of paper and making it fly is pretty cool imo so like making something out of nothing/creativity and shit

sex before marriage?

imo as long as it's consensual, safe and responsible have sex whenever, wherever and with whoever you like.

is she in our year

Okay so come on anon or message me or whatever and I'll probably tell you but I'm not gonna tell you okay
Liked by: Madison

it's not even awkward if it's a girl why dont u want to say who?

1) if you were close/spent any time with either of us you would know
2) homophobia is alive and well and we want to have some semblance of control over who knows ya feel like nothing personal probably but don't trust anons
Liked by: Madison

have u 2 kissed

The thing about these type of questions is that it makes me wonder what kind of person wants to know and for what purpose... Like come of anon so I know you're not some twisted straight boy
Liked by: Madison

what are your sad head canons

That our entire being is contained in a singular organ, and when your body stops providing it with what it needs to fuel its owner with a sense of importance and higher being it merely stops. Your soul decomposes as a humble brain, the very organ that came up with the existence of an afterlife or a soul living on meets a very harsh truth as a soul and a body are one and the same and will meet their end together.
Liked by: Sophia Ryan Pearce

I kinda love you in the most platonic way with so much sexual tension like how you're magical

I'm not entirely sure I understand your grammar but I appreciate the sentiment

describe weekend ;)

well i had sophias birthday on saturday and it was superhero themed, so on saturday morning i went to save mark to get a rad coat for director fury. however, my mother, being the strategic genius she is, decided that we should take both my sisters and my grandparents. $70, 2 hours and 7 items of clothing later, we left the store to do the rest of the shopping in -30 minutes of planned time. hooray. but yeah, so's party was rad, and i had a cute wee dinner with the aunties, uncles and grandparents for mum and dad's 25th anniversary at Buddha stix. Naturally, on sunday i did absolutely nothing.
Liked by: Sophia Ryan Pearce


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