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Latest answers from eliza

Do you agree with the saying that if you love yourself, others will love you too?

The world is full of beautiful people who are insecure because horrible people made them believe that they are worthless, that is sad


And I know that like me can have many concerns and feel you've lost your way.I understand you, because I've had those moments in which your mind can feel very confused.There is nothing that could not try to make you are well.Your friendship is one of the best things I could have gone, in addition to your support when I looked in trouble.The best have been supporting us for a long time, you know that never hesitate to help when needed.I would face what it was and who it is, just to show you that atall times, you have my loyalty.I fear not say I love you because you are the most valuable people I have today and in the past.Rather I touch me thank you, because you have also done your part to give me unconditional memories.As my best friend, you will always occupy a special and irreplaceable place in my heart.always keep that very present andwhenever you feel sad, remember this ily always and forever I constantly think that I have never known how to thank all that you have given me.You listened to my problems without judging me when all the others could do it, you advised me the bestyou could and all the time you tried hard to see me happy.But if I have understood something, it is that there is nothing that makes me happier to see you as you also fight to achieve your dreams, and you are fulfilling each of thegoals that you propose.Because you're like that, persistent and a great girl.every day you make me laugh with your occurrences crazy? You are the sister that I could choose, a sister who has blood other than mine, but who undoubtedlyforms a much larger bond.You are my best friend and definitely my house is your second home.You're the perfect shoulder on which I can vent and cry.You are the perfect companion of adventures.? you are unique, amazing human&person WE ARE ONE? always and forever my crazy?? :And by the way, I dont put any photos of us because I did not want to show my face here but you know who I am? I hope you see this soon te quiero la mona

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And I know that like me can have many concerns and feel youve lost your wayI


Holis crazy beautiful?? well first I have to thank you for being the way you are.Because let me be myself when I'm with you.Thank you for being transparent and honest.To share with me not only my also the most disastrous, embarrassing andsad happy moments, but.Thank you for accepting that sometimes things I do not count.By wait patiently for I tell it be prepared and willing to get up once I fall.Thank you for being the kindest person I know.Seriously, you makethe world a better place.At least my world.Thank you that never expects anything in return and yet, you give everything for others.Thank you for all the times we laughed and for which we have fought well, for being my ground wire.I do not know that I'd do without you in my moments of madness.Thank you that always bring out the best in me.By making these years we've been friends seem much more than they are.Because over the years we have created memories for a lifetime.Thanks for reminding me that I have to worry about others, but only by those who love me.Thank you for being my faithful squire.I defend before anyone, but then you throw me the anger for what I did in private.Thank you for so many things ... But above all, thankyou for all these reasons and for being here with me.❤️ Laughter, tears, endless hours talking until we fell asleep.I have obtained both a friendship like I've just found with you.More than my friend, you are like asister to me, because there are ties between us that nobody and nothing can overcome. elizabae No matter how black can be problems that will arise, and how difficult it can be to get ahead.I'll always be there for you.You shouldnever hesitate to call on me to support you every you need it, because nothing will give me more pleasure or make me feel better, to know that I have your trust.Because you certainly have known earn mine.I will never turn my back, because you're like my family. 1part?

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Holis crazy beautiful well first I have to thank you for being the way you

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