
Fox McGarity

Latest answers from Fox McGarity

what would be your pc's total cost be? I think I remember see you post your new specs but that was a long while ago when I would go on tf tv's site

my pc builds average around $3-4k usd because I don't like replacing parts. My last build was about $3.2k

Would you recommend your ATH AD900x's? I've read about flimsy headphone "wings" or the sides that keep the headphone cups on your head.

Aidan Becker
i actually use ATH AD700x and ATH AD700's
they are actually quite uncomfortable for longer sessions compared to the AD700's
they have good sound quality if you're not going to use it for more than 2 hours at a time, but it's pretty small compared to most open ear headphones imo
because they're mainly black headphones, it also attracts heat so i have to actually turn down the temperature on my AC by 5-20 degrees when i use the AD700x

Where is the best place to buy killstreaker stuff

i'm assuming the best place to buy them would be trading sites, but i just use the steam market because i can't stand using trading sites or dealing with traders

Do you ever think you would try to finish them, on or off stream?

no idea at this point, with the ending ruined over half the magic isn't there anymore

Have you finished Lisa the painful/ played Lisa the joyful

i was playing through it on stream, when i ended the stream someone basically added me on steam just to spoil it, so i ended up never finishing it

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