
Faraheen ajwa

Ask @Frahassri

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Dapat sambung degree dekat mana & kos apa? Kalau tak kisah nak share lah:) Tiada paksaan just nak tahu sebelum berpisah ke jalan masing2 ✌

Unimap course electronic engineering. Thank you for asking ?
Liked by: Johan Hayat

Askfm is the worst cyber bullying. Do you agree and why?

Because askfm is a place where the coward person and the keyboard warrior can bully someone by being anonymous. They can insult people without revealing themselves and im pretty sure that they are very proud with their crime

You ni kan dalam social media nampak friendly and like so talkative. But in real life sangat senyap and hardly hear you talking. I selalu nampak you makan sorang2 dekat ds. No offense✌

Because dekat social media I just type kot tak perlu keluarkan suara. Hehe. You dont know the real me. Most of my BEST friend wont say yg I ni pendiam. When they get to know the real me mmg dorg terkejut and often said 'fara ni nampak je pendiam'. Tak percaya tanya lah una tikah rabiah finaz etc. i just jenis tak banyak cakap dengan orang yg i tak rapat. Oh mungkin sebab i ni introvert kot. And i bukan jenis orang yg kat mana2 perlu ada teman haha no that is not me. But bukannya bermaksud i tak suka diteman. Kalau ada yg teman lg bagus but kalau takde im okay with that. Mungkin you selalu nampak time i sorg2 thats why you said so. Mungkin masa i makan dengan kawan2 i you tak pernah nampak kot. Mungkinlah haha. Anyway, thanks for asking. Im very appreciate with your curiosity hiks ??
Liked by: Johan Hayat

Kenapa pindah dorm fast? Kita jiran tapi jarang tegur ?

Sebab mmg jenis suka study sorg2. Duduk bilik sunyi sikit ? eh jiran ke. Siapa eyh ?

Kenangan paling pahit dekat kmku? Must share! Thank you?

Kena marah dengan teacher depan kelas tuto sebab presentation tak bagus. Tak cukup persediaan and kerja separuh jalan. Macam nak nangis je kat depan tu ?
Liked by: Johan Hayat

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

Spending time with myself and watching sunset. A cup of chatime would be good too


Language: English