
Frankie Youje

Ask @Frankie1Youje

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You haitian?

No I'm not. I'm French. Born and raised in France and my parents are from Guadeloupe (French Caribbean)

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And take different pictures that biting your lip nonsense is getting played out.


Every time someone ask for your kik you shut them out or don't respond.

Well I do not have an answer for that. I do not just give out my KiK like that.

So what does that mean.. give me your kik

I don't want your KiK and I'm not interested to talk to you at all.

I. Asked as simple question just answer that is the point if this app

Which question you asked

Right can't even give an answer to any just delete your acct no use in asking u questions

It wasn't. It was an insult. Idk know you , you don't know me to come off at me with insults.


Language: English