
Liam Macleod Knowles.

Latest answers from Liam Macleod Knowles.

favourite person from Falkirk resi???

I don't know, everyone was lovely and really easy to get on with!

Just seems like a weird couple. Don't think it'll last in my opinion

We've seen eachother sporadically in the past, but nothing ever really came of it haha. But we've always got on really well. The timing was just never right. But I think we bounce off eachother really well, our patter is diabolical and we both think we're hilarious and have a really good laugh. I appreciate your concern and you can feel free to place a wager on your estimate. But to be honest, we both seem more sure this time so it really isn't relevant in the slightest what you think. Haha.

Are you and Chris actually going out..?

Yeah, haha. Why would you be led to believe otherwise?

Want to just ride me?

Unless you are a magnificent stallion with a mane of beautiful ivory then never.

Language: English