
Katana Rose

Are you still a primary/secondary monogamous polyamorous person?

Actually more and more lately, I have been noticing I am not.
I have been seeing raver and my non-furry bf as equals; instead of my non-fur bf being primary and raver secondary. :3
-I am still *CLOSED RELATIONSHIP* monogamous poly. just to clarify that!!-

Latest answers from Katana Rose

What's your favourite film of the year so far?

ohhh thats hard. I think right now Deadpool. But Suicide Squad is probably going to be a top favorite too... :D

When not actually doing anything in a video game, what is your favorite way to screw around?

listening to new music, reading random science articles online, watching online series, drawing, reading, hanging with friends, etc.

Any plans on either getting a new suit, or getting one of your fursona's/suits made by another maker in the future?

yes. :)
Just trying to figure out who I want to get done next! I might do a vote. I have a tie between 4 sonas right now. ^^;

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