
Katana Rose

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

ALWAYS the truth. :/ Lying is terrible and even if you're trying not to hurt someone by lying its still wrong, it destroys trust and and can destroy friendships/relationships. If you've ever made a mistake its always best to own up to it, though its better to not do wrong in the first place. Lying treats those who are lied to as a means to achieve the liar's purpose, rather than as a valuable end in themselves. Lying to someone can make them feel badly treated - deceived and manipulated, and regarded as a person who doesn't deserve the truth, as well as depending on the situation can be quite damaging and make a person question their self worth, as well as becoming untrusting towards others.
"O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. -Sir Walter Scott, Marmion"
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Latest answers from Katana Rose

What's your favourite film of the year so far?

ohhh thats hard. I think right now Deadpool. But Suicide Squad is probably going to be a top favorite too... :D

When not actually doing anything in a video game, what is your favorite way to screw around?

listening to new music, reading random science articles online, watching online series, drawing, reading, hanging with friends, etc.

Any plans on either getting a new suit, or getting one of your fursona's/suits made by another maker in the future?

yes. :)
Just trying to figure out who I want to get done next! I might do a vote. I have a tie between 4 sonas right now. ^^;

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